How to Start Dating After Divorce?

iChhori - Breaking Stereotypes
Published in
9 min readJul 18, 2022


How to Start Dating After Divorce?

The divorce rate in America remains high, leaving many adult men and women alone, available, and unsure of how to play the game. Getting back into the singles market after years of being in a relationship can be a scary task. David A. Anderson, Ph.D., shares tips for getting back into dating mode based on his own study and that of other specialists.

Yolanda*, a marketing professional, found herself alone in the mornings after 19 years of waking up next to the same person. She had recently divorced and was terrified at the prospect of dating again. Yolanda’s self-esteem had been shattered by her difficult separation, and she was concerned about her ability to begin a new relationship, let alone her rusty dating abilities. And the pool of single males seemed like a droplet in comparison to the ocean she had access to when she was younger.

Yolanda may have felt isolated on the field, but she was anything but. According to the United States Census Bureau, nine out of ten persons will marry, yet over half of first marriages will end in divorce. Men’s numbers have nearly tripled, from 3.5 million to 10.3 million, while women’s numbers have nearly doubled to 14.6 million.

With so many single folks around, it’s natural to assume that there’s a lot of dating going on. Instead, it appears that as we get older, we date less. According to social psychologist Jerald G. Bachman, PhD, who performed research at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, about half of 18-year-olds go out at least once a week, compared to just about a quarter of 32-year-olds.

While some people just refuse to date, others want to but are unsure how to go about it or are unable to overcome their bad self-image. So, how can folks who are dealing with these issues re-enter the dating scene in a healthy and successful manner? First and foremost, it is critical to establish proper personal standards. Will you play hard to get or be an easy catch in particular? The manifestation of these criteria is what I refer to as one’s “social price.” In a relationship, the more you have to offer, the more you might expect in return, increasing your proper social price. Your ability to bring desirable attributes such as inner strength, kindness, intelligence, and affection to a relationship is one factor that helps define your social price.

I investigated approaches for assessing the quality and contributions of marriage possibilities alongside Shigeyuyki Hamori, an economist at Kobe University in Japan. We anticipated that singles looking for relationships evaluate unseen features in others based on social price, as shown in actions, body language, and verbal communication. We came to the conclusion that those who are self-assured in their dating standards are seen as having more potential as marriage mates. Those who appear uneasy and desperate, make frequent phone calls to a love interest, or engage in sexual activity too soon, on the other hand, transmit indications that they possess inferior hidden characteristics.

So, much as we think that expensive automobiles are better than similar, less expensive cars, we can argue that people exhibiting high social prices have unobserved attributes superior to those having lower social prices. However, be mindful about overselling. Individuals having a high income but little else to offer, for example, may inflate their social value. And, like with any price deception, actual quality will eventually emerge. This might lead to a shattered relationship in the dating world.

Low self-esteem and other negative self-emotions are at the root of erroneous social pricing. Fear utterly devastates certain people. It might originate from a history of being injured or painful relationships, and it can be the fear of being hurt, rejected, or involved. People can excel in other areas of their lives, but the fear of dating can cause them to remain single or yearn for the relationship they left.

Others quickly rebound or enter into another relationship. Sadness, remorse, wrath, or worry about being alone frequently drives their desperation. You have the impression that you are in the worst situation of your life. Then you might do something desperate, like have a one-night hookup, call your ex, or ignore your instincts and enter a horrible relationship you would never choose if you weren’t feeling reckless.

Fortunately, these and other mistakes can be avoided when looking for a new spouse. If you’re ready to get back in the saddle, here are five essential pointers to get you started.

1. Develop A (New) Support Group It’s normal to seek comfort from former pals. They know and care about you, and they are usually looking out for your best interests. New pals, on the other hand, are more likely to assist you in adjusting to your new life. That’s because common friends with your ex can unintentionally take sides, and either alliance can make it difficult to introduce someone new into your life. Old pals may not be interested or compassionate, and they may even be jealous of your newfound independence.

Yolanda and her ex-extended husband’s family and acquaintances were torn by their divorce. My new pals, on the other hand, had a fresh perspective that boosted my self-esteem. Those who were single exuded confidence, which aided me greatly when I re-entered the dating scene as a single person. They also gave good advice on occasion.

Broder suggests using prudence when listening to others’ words of advice. If something works for a buddy, it might not work for you. If you don’t want advice, be firm and tell them that you won’t accept it unless you specifically want it.

Friendship, on the other hand, is a crucial component of the recovery process for the most part. Broder claims that facing things alone can be taxing. Friends can assist you in realising that dating does not have to be a serious endeavour.

2. Assess Your Self-Worth Broder also recommends making a list of new beliefs and affirmations that you’d like to incorporate into your thinking system. Read aloud these new self-concepts often, regardless of how you’re feeling, to help solidify them in your mind. According to a study on self-concept people with poor self-esteem form relationships with those who judge them adversely. If you have a bad self-concept, it’s critical that you take measures to develop a positive, healthy self-concept.

Experts advise making a list of your positive characteristics and posting it somewhere you’ll see it frequently. You can address any contradictions between your self-image and the real you by sharing your list with your support group and requesting open feedback.

Yolanda realised she needed to change her thinking after a brief relationship five years after her divorce. I was ashamed of all the times I’d say yes when I truly meant no, she admits today. Although the effects were unpleasant, I didn’t believe I could entirely alter the pattern. Then I followed the 12-step program’s counsel and passed it over to God, my higher power. It got simpler to move forward and forgive myself.

People who feel mistreated after a separation could benefit from adopting an assertive, even defiant attitude. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Waterloo in Canada discovered that persons with poor self-esteem are less motivated to improve their mood when they experience feelings of resignation and sadness. When you’re defiant, you get eager, confident, and ready to act, Broder adds. You look for yourself, demonstrating that you are not going to be devastated by divorce. It’s a very healthy thing to do.

3. Plan Activities You won’t meet a new partner — or even a new friend — sitting on the couch with the TV on and the curtains shut. Consider your post-relationship period as a chance to do things you couldn’t do with your ex. Make a list of 20 activities you’d like to do with the ideal companion, and then go through it again. According to Broder, people rarely have more than three or four things on their list that they can’t do if they aren’t in a relationship. Don’t feel like your entire life is on pause; stay active.

Singles today are finding love and luck in unusual places. Lili, a writer, re-entered the dating scene after her 17-year relationship ended by joining a telephone dating service. She asked men for midday walks in a well-populated park instead of dinner dates. They weren’t dates; they were interviews, Lili explains, admitting it was tough to take the initial step. We went for coffee if I liked them. Laura, a financial planner, too missed having someone to talk to after her 24-year marriage ended. She says I don’t sit with difficulties for very long. I understood exactly what I wanted and pursued it. Laura signed up for an online dating service and met her soon-to-be second husband there.

People who use Internet dating services like may achieve more beginning-stage emotional intimacy than they do in face-to-face situations, according to Joseph Walther, PhD, an associate professor of communication, language, and literature at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Walther points out that single surfers don’t have to worry about normal first-impression issues like terrible hair days and wrinkled clothes. Furthermore, they are blind to body language signs such as shrugging and smirking, which can create communication hurdles. According to current estimates, up to 33% of online connections eventually lead to face-to-face meetups.

4. Curb Unhealthy Cravings When we are in emotional anguish, our sentiments frequently do not align with our intellect, manifesting instead as harmful and self-destructive urges. Cravings are common in those who can’t stand being single and want to get into a new relationship as soon as their separation is finalised. Individuals with poor self-esteem who believe they can’t make it on their own are also vulnerable. While such desires may appear to be overwhelming and unavoidable, Broder claims that they do not have to be.

Take Julie, a middle-aged student in Southern California whose drive for quick gratification drove her to take actions she knew were bad. She admits I kept going out with men who didn’t have the possibility for a long-term commitment. One had issues with his ex-wife, while the other refused to marry outside of his faith. I was finally determined to be more cautious while choosing men after being hurt numerous times. I’m still prone to my old habits, but I’m much more likely to reject males who aren’t a good fit for me.

Broder proposes doing something that deliberately breaks the habit and makes you approach the circumstance in a healthier way to short-circuit desires. Call a member of your support group, tell them about your undesirable inclinations, and ask them to invite you out when you get into poor habits. Also, keep a log of the things that successfully divert you from your cravings, such as renting a hilarious movie or taking a long walk, so you may refer to it when you have a craving.

5. Prepare for Pitfalls Holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, for example, are more difficult to negotiate than others since they are fraught with expectations and memories. Social configurations shift after a separation or divorce, intensifying emotions of loss and loneliness. According to Broder, perfectionists have the most difficulty over the holidays. High expectations cause them to reflect on treasured past memories and compare them to current circumstances.

Garrett, a 40-year-old optician, recalls his first Christmas alone is difficult. He believes the weeks leading up to the holidays were particularly painful because customs had been severely interrupted. It was difficult not being in my own house and not having a strong relationship with someone, and I was terrified of not finding someone again.

Garrett relied on his family to help him cope. He believes you sew together the relationships you have. It was patchwork and fragmentary, but it was necessary for me. I also sought other things to do with my time. I planned a staff party, took part in a musical, and cooked at other people’s houses.

Stress, grief, and trauma expert. Karioth emphasises the need for planning in lowering stress and meeting new people. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, don’t be hesitant to ask for help organising new activities and reduce tasks into smaller assignments. Broder also recommends avoiding holiday comparisons and instead focusing on the positive qualities of present and future celebrations. You’ll make it, and then you won’t be afraid, says Broder. It may not be the happiest day of your life, but it may not be the nightmare you expected.

Finally, the best recommendation for re-entering the dating scene is to experiment with several action methods and pick the ones that feel most natural to you. For some, getting into the appropriate mindset before jumping is critical. Others find that merely attempting something new, even if it is uncomfortable, is enough. Trust your inner wisdom since you know yourself best. Take heart if you’re ready to find new love: Remarriages account for more than 40% of weddings in the United States. But don’t feel forced to rush into another marriage — 60% of second marriages result in divorce, according to the US Census Bureau. It’s totally acceptable to remain single now that you’re single if that’s what you choose. What you do with your life now, as Broder puts it, is entir ely up to you.

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